Investing in the right coffee machine for your business is important no matter what time of year it is. However, come the busy Christmas period increased footfall may put your machine under strain.

This is why we offer coffee machine upgrades so that when your footfall and sales increase, the capacity of your machine can too. Furthermore, when your lease agreement is coming to an end, we offer a range of upgrades to extend your warrantee.

So, if you are looking to upgrade your coffee machine, here are some features you may want to consider including for your next machine.

Upgrading to a higher output coffee machine
Not all coffee machines are capable of producing the same volume of beverages, which is why we try to find you the best fit from the start. However, if you are looking to increase your output, we recommend switching to an espresso coffee machine if you are currently using a bean to cup machine. If you are already using one of our espresso coffee machines, the next step would be to upgrade to a coffee machine with multiple group heads to increase your output volume.

Upgrading to a bean to cup coffee machine which provides chocolate drinks
Not all bean to cup machines can produce the same variety and volume of beverages. If you are currently using one of our Jura bean to cup machines, you may want to explore one of our WMF machines which extend to hot chocolate and other seasonal drinks.

Increase your amount of group heads
We have already mentioned the benefit of adding multiple group heads, but how many should you look to add? For commercial use in a retail setting, we believe that two group heads will usually provide the ideal solution, but depending on the demand three group head machines are also available for settings where volume requirements are at their highest.

PID control and energy efficiency
Adding a PID controller to your coffee machine spec will offer you control over boiler temperature and thus brew temperature. Furthermore, if you are looking for a brand of coffee machine which offers optimum value for money on energy efficiency, our range of Ascaso commercial coffee machines are renowned for being the best in the biz!

If you aren’t ready to upgrade your coffee machine, it’s well worth considering at the very least servicing your machine ahead of the Christmas period. This will ensure that you don’t encounter unexpected breakdowns or faults due to overworking and/or missing key maintenance requirements including:

It isn’t the most glamorous job, but cleaning is essential if you are going to make sure your coffee machine doesn’t develop problems unnecessarily. Your coffee machine will come with instructions on cleaning and descaling.

Replacing your water filter
If your coffee machine is connected to the mains water supply, or you are re-filling your tank-based machine, using a water filter isn’t just valuable – it’s essential to the smooth running of your coffee machine. Replacing your water filter regularly ensures that you avoid hard water build ups, which can lead to machine failures plus replacing the filter helps maintain a quality and safe coffee output.

Steam Wand
After every use of the steam wand, wipe it down thoroughly with a clean, damp towel then return the wand to the upright position over the drip tray. You should regularly purge your steam wand with hot water to force out any milk which may have remained within the wand. We also advise frequent removal of the steam wand tip for cleaning.

Conserving Energy
Switching off between uses: If you are running a busy coffee shop this isn’t a wise idea, however for some businesses, switching off during quiet times makes sense. It saves energy and strain on your machine’s parts, which can extend its lifespan.

So, if you’re looking to upgrade your coffee machine package with us or thinking about getting a coffee machine for the first time, give our experts a call to help guide you through the best package for your business on 0800 085 0065.